OSR (Rhône Sediment Observatory)

The Rhône Sediment Observatory (OSR) was established in 2009 to address issues that had emerged in the integrated project Plan Rhône. Over the 500 km-long Rhône river from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea, the Observatory aims at producing, collecting and managing data for documenting stocks and fluxes of sediments and the associated contamination.

OSR is a project funded by the Plan Rhône and several partners, and supported by the European Fund for Regional Development research program. It is a research platform that combines scientists (CNRS, Irstea, ENTPE, IRSN, Ifremer) and the main managers of the river (governmental authorities, water agency, CNR, EDF and the regional councils of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Occitanie). It is one of the observatories of the Rhône catchment research community (ZABR).

